Aren't they beautiful? Wouldn't it be awesome if we invented these all by ourselves?
Well, we didn't. But it kind of was our take on a few existing recipes.
*This post's parenthetical asides brought to you by Adam
The initial inspiration was the Farro and Butternut Squash dish from Minneapolis' Zelo (we went there on our 6 month anniversary!) that we fell madly in love with. Upon further internet-researching, we based our recipe on the lovely video-blog post from
We began with intense mashed-potato style mashing of baked (microwaved) squash and cream cheese (it was supposed to be mascarpone cheese... but we're poor). And some some shredded parmesan cheese (we actually didn't scrimp on that).
Pretty! (Eh)
We also purchased copious amounts of both pot sticker and wonton wrappers... because honestly we didn't know the difference (turns out they're the same). The pot sticker ones are round and the wonton ones are square. Haphazardly we chose ROUND ravioli!
The process was basic: use water on your finger to moisten the edge of the wrapper (soften the dough so it sticks to itself), add a little bit of the filling (one teaspoon... no more), and seal it up securely! My earlier versions had a sad tendency to be overfilled and explosive... don't do that.
We also started a mix of bacon, garlic, onion (french cut) and olive oil. This is for the topping.
The above photo depicts our little bowl of ravioli (pre-boiled). Adam thought you would like to see it.
Into a boiling pot they go!!
They also go into a buttery frying pan (a skillet containing browned butter). For unknown reasons, this step is unavailable in photos. (Angie never took any pictures while I was doing all the work). I WAS PREPARING THE RAVIOLI! (or talking wedding plans with her soon to be sister in law)
Anyway. Then add the bacon mixture over the top. Sprinkle on some more cheese and some strange oil mixture (cinnamon and nutmeg infused canola oil) and serve!
The Epilogue
We still had ridiculous amounts of wonton wrappers, due to my inability to choose between square and round options.
They are surprisingly simple: heat up some oil, enclose some peppered cream cheese (or any other delightful mixture that I was denied) in a wonton wrapper. They're sealed the same way as our aforementioned ravioli. Dump them in the oil for a few seconds (place them in the oil, lest you obtain third degree burns), flip them, and eat!
We found them to be most delicious accompanied by sparkling white grape juice.
Happy cooking!